
Reliable technology for high?power functionality

All the signal power and performance you¡¯ve imagined, achieved through SiGe by Ó²ººÊÓƵAPP?

The reliable, high-power signal functionality you need for your design, all on one chip. With more than four billion SiGe-based chips shipped, Ó²ººÊÓƵAPP has the experience to help you build designs to achieve the speed, bandwidth and digital functionality your devices need. When you want to bring your innovations to life ¨C reliably and powerfully ¨C trust Ó²ººÊÓƵAPP.

SiGe on

200mm wafers

Decades of

experience as

original SiGe


One of Ó²ººÊÓƵAPP¡¯s most



Reliable technology for high-power functionality 

As one of the only foundries manufacturing SiGe technology on 200 mm wafers, Ó²ººÊÓƵAPP offers an integrated platform that meets modern technology demands for power, performance and reliability. 

  • Uniquely optimized for power amplifier applications, very high frequency optical and wireless networking applications, satellite communications and communications infrastructure 
  • PDKs leverage Ó²ººÊÓƵAPP experts¡¯ decades of experience as original developers and those who brought SiGe to high volume production 
  • Future-forward benefits including high power efficiency, low parasitics, high speed and bandwidth, and low noise, high frequency performance 
  • Achieves industry-leading power and performance, integrated RF and digital functionality on efficient silicon platforms 
  • Innovative, flexible, comprehensive design enablement with full suites of digital libraries and integration for complex mixed signal solutions 

SiGe PA for mobile infrastructure & RF performance

Meet SiGe PA, a family of silicon power amplifier platforms optimized for integration and performance in mobile and fixed RF applications.

  • SiGe PA successfully used in WiFi PAs for 10+ years with billions of devices shipped
  • Platforms 5PAe and 5PAx have highly linear designs for easy co-designing for combined value and performance for standalone WiFi and cellular PA applications
  • 1KW5PAe and 1KPAx are optimized for performance and integration as they can enable the implementation of PAs, RF switches, and LNAs on a single chip 
  • High resistivity substrate offerings enable integration of multiple RF functions on a single chip 

SiGe HP technology for optimal high-performance design 

With extensive digital and RF functionality backed by decades of experience, Ó²ººÊÓƵAPP¡¯s SiGe HP technologies address the emerging requirements for digital and RF applications.

  • mmWave enablement, superior low-noise and high-frequency performance, and advanced heterojunction bipolar transistor solves emerging requirements for RF and digital applications  
  • Complemented by end-to-end design enablement, prototyping services, RF network support and advanced manufacturing 
  • 9HP technology platform has the highest performance fT/fMAX and enables up to 50% more integration density than the 130nm SiGe HP options 
  • 130nm SiGe platforms offer balance between HBT performance, gate density and cost