Intellectual Property

GlobalFoundries owns rights to patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property directly related to and important to our business.

A list of GlobalFoundries’ registered, common law trademarks and other trademarks is here. GlobalFoundries owns the registered tradename GlobalFoundries? and the associated Ó²ººÊÓƵAPP logo.  Our tradename mark and logo are an important part of our brand, identifying GlobalFoundries as the source of products and services that we market.  Third parties may not use GlobalFoundries¡¯ marks without our express written permission.

Globalfoundries Virtual Patent Marking: The page linked here is intended to serve as notice under 35 U.S.C. ¡ì 287(a). GlobalFoundries believes that one or more claims in each of the patents listed in the linked page covers the products with which they are associated. There may be other, unlisted patents that cover identified and unidentified products, and the failure to list such patents here is not an admission that they do not cover any particular GlobalFoundries product.